Final Check and Publishing Process

Complete Check Lists

First, editors have to make sure writers have fulfilled all of the checklist boxes in their Writing Check Sheet. Writing Check Sheet could be found in the structure sheets. After writers finish writing their articles, editors check the Writing Check Sheet to give an assessment. If writers still make mistakes, editors will get notified for revision.

List of Check List

  • Introduction
    a. Introduction is less than 200 words?
    b. Grab readers' attention?
    c. Clarify a reader's problem and share a solution
  • Main Body
    a. Write what readers need?
    b. Enough information for the KW?
    c. Put writer's opinion or something original?
  • Conclusion
    a. Conclusion is less than 200 words?
    b. summarize what we write?
    c. Ask what we want readers to do?
  • Overall
    a. One sentence is less than 25 words?
    b. Compare to competitors, better information? (Basically, total word count should be higher)
    c. No typo? No Grammatic error?
    d. Information we provide is true?
    e. No terminology? Use easy English?
    f. Put Reference if it needs?
    g. A Paragraph should be less than 100 words
  • Images
    a. Place of the Image is OK?
    b. Not use selling one? Put proper URL (citation)? Put alt text?
    c. More than 800px/File type is jpg(jpeg)/Alt text
  • Description
    a. 50–160 characters?
    b. Use the main KW?
    c. Searchers want to click?
  • Final Check
    a. Compare to competitors, a better article?

After all of the checklist boxes are checked, the articles are considered finished, and grammar checkers will check their articles to proofread and check any grammar errors.

Important Links

Check Grammar Checker Work

Usually, editors double-check the articles that Grammar Checkers already check before articles are published. Just simply skimming with Grammarly.


  • Check with Grammarly if there are any grammatical errors or typos
  • Check if there are no words like 'recently,' 'yesterday,' 'last month,' etc. Grammar checkers usually just checked spelling and grammar, so editors have to double-check if there are still mistakes or not.

Link Building

Editors insert internal links in writers' articles that are ready to publish. If the KWs are from famous idols or actors/actresses, they will have more than one article on our site. That's when we improve link building to linking each other articles.

For example, articles about BTS member's profiles will be linked to articles about BTS' Jimin's profile, BTS' Jungkook's profile, BTS ideal type, BTS pets, etc. And vice versa, in BTS' Jimin's profile, you should also link the article to BTS member's profiles, so they are linking each other. Make sure to make the links open in a new tab.

If there are external links outside our website, such as links from Instagram, YouTube, and the official website, also make sure to make the links open in a new tab.

More info about Link Building.


Editors have to make sure the permalink is shortened if the writers forgot to do it.

Permalink format for profile articles are /(group)-(stage name)-profile or /(actor/actress name)-profile. For example:

Permalink for Profile Articles

  • KW: BTS Jimin
    Permalink: /bts-jimin-profile
  • KW: Lee Dong Wook
    Permalink: /lee-dong-wook-profile

Permalink format for articles other than profile:

Permalink for Other than Profile Articles

  • KW about Drama Review: full house drama
  • Other KWs: bts jungkook accident, bts jimin girlfriend, Jackson wang tattoo
    Just use the KWs as permalink: /bts-jungkook-accident, /bts-jimin-girlfriend, /jackson-wang-tattoo

Common mistakes

  • Sometimes writers didn't shorten their articles permalink, make sure you shorthen it yourself, and then message the writer as a reminder to not repeating the mistake
  • For articles like EXO's Baekhyun, the permalink default format is /exos-baekhyun, make sure you delete the 's'

Insert Page Break

If the writers didn't insert page breaks in their articles, it's the editor's job to do it. Make sure to insert Page Break if the articles are too long, so readers don't bore themselves reading too many paragraphs on one page. Ideally, put Page Break after 1,000 words.

Category Setting

Choose category Entertainment.

Schedule Publish Data

We publish five new articles every day, including on weekends. Scheduled five articles per day at times:

  • 3 AM
  • 8 AM
  • 1 PM
  • 5 PM
  • 10 PM

Here are the step by step for publishing articles:


Check the spreadsheets first to know which articles to be published (Currently, we use Kpop Idols Sheets, Actor&Actress Sheets, and Progress Management Sheets)


Check the filter views Scheduled Articles in the spreadsheets.

The articles on that filter are the ones that already finished grammar checked by the grammar checker. That means the article ready to be published. Fill the column when you choose articles to be scheduled.


You have to publish 5 articles every day including weekends. In total, you have to publish 35 articles per week. You can schedule them beforehand rather than publish 5 articles live time. For example:

  • Monday: scheduled 10 articles (for 2 days)
  • Tuesday: scheduled 10 articles (for 2 days)
  • Wednesday: scheduled 10 articles (for 2 days)
  • Thursday: scheduled 5 articles (for 1 day)
  • Friday: you are free!

Scheduled them like below.

First Article : 3AM

Second Article : 8AM

Third Article : 1PM

Fourth Article : 5PM

Fifth Article : 10PM


Lastly, record it on Publish and Rewrite Sheets.

Important links

Record Publish and Rewrite Sheets

After scheduling articles, record the KWs, structure sheets, and article URL in Publish and Rewrite Sheets. Don't forget to check link building boxes if there are link building in the articles.

And then you're done!

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