
Channel-K_Writing Article_Guideline

Mission of Channel-K

A mission of Channel-K is 「Customers Know more Korea and Enjoy Korea more」.  Delivering variety of Korean information, let people discover something new and bring a better life!

Articles are Our Product

A product is an item which helps human life. Our product is an article you are going to make from now. We make our products in order to achieve our mission 「Customers Know more Korea and Enjoy Korea more」

Products can work after customers buy so they are worthless until customers buy. Our customers don't pay and buy our articles but we define that if customers read our article and solve their problems or know something new whatever bring them a better life is Sold.

Difficulty of Selling

Now you understand our product and what is selling.

Many customers go to stores but don't buy any products. You've also experienced that haven't you?

It's the same for us.

Many customers may visit your article but not all of them read it. You also have experienced that visiting one website and shortly after moving another. It is not that easy to sell your product (You know if you experience to sell something offline) .

Same here. You need to customize your product to make customers want to buy.

We will introduce some techniques below. Hope it helps what your products are sold out!

General Rules

Avoid Repetition

Few things are more jarring to read than repetition of certain words or phrases. Once you’re done with the first draft of your blog post, read through it and check for words that can be replaced to avoid repeating yourself.

Keep Sentences Short and Paragraphs Shorter

Nothing will intimidate or outright anger a reader faster than huge walls of text. It’s a common mistake for inexperienced bloggers to make, and one I see far too often in a lot of online articles.

Sentence: Not be longer than 25 words, and ideal length is around 14 words

Sentences should be as short as possible. They’re easier to read, making your audience’s job easier. Shorter sentences also reduce the likelihood of going off on tangents. For example, I recently came across a sentence in an opinion piece in Wired that had no fewer than seven subordinate clauses, an editorial sin of almost unimaginable magnitude.

Paragraph: Less than 100 words

Paragraphs should also be short and sweet. The shorter the paragraph, the more likely your readers are to keep going. The “rules” of paragraph structure have been bent a little since web-based publishing became the norm, but try to keep individual ideas isolated to their own neat, short little paragraph.

Do not use "Last Month"...etc

Please do not use the words like..."Last Month", "Recently" and so on. It is simply because the date depends on when customers read your article. Even though you mean "Last Year" is 2019, it would be 2020 if customers visit your article in 2021.

Please be careful when you mention any date.

If you need to mention any date, please write like "June 27th, 2019".

Introduction (Lead)

The goal of your introduction (lead) is to grab customer’s attention so they keep reading.

Imagine that when you go to store. You randomly search that there is a product you want to buy or not. If you have interested in some products, you would stay longer and look around more right? If you don't get interest, you just leave the store.

It's the same here!

Customers read your introduction part and judge whether your store (article) is worth staying (reading) or not. So introduction is a highly important part to decide your article will read or not!

Again, you need to grab customer’s attention here!

Good Introduction

  • Customers get interested in your article
  • Customers understand what your article is about
  • Customers understand what benefit they get through your article

Then how can we grab customer's attention? Let's check techniques below.

Keep the introduction brief (Less than 200 words)

There is no definitive answer for how long an introduction should be. But, like the Slate study told us, readers have short attention spans. They're impatient to get to the meat of the article. Your readers are looking for information, so don't bury it deep in your article. Cut to the chase.

Ask your readers an intriguing question

(Ex)  Do you know why Japanese people sleep in public transportation?

Posing questions to your readers in your introduction is an effective technique precisely because you’re inviting your reader to think about a highly specific scenario.


if you pose a question that they expect the rest of the piece to answer

The Statistic or Fun Fact

(Ex)  What Japanese slurp noodle makes their food much more delicious.

This technique is another powerfully effective way to grab your reader’s attention from the outset. It’s also one of the most commonly used introductions in a lot of marketing writing. People tend to remember unusual things much more effectively than routine, expected things.

Get reader's sympathy

(Ex) Communicate with Japanese staff is not that easy...

Once you get sympathy from readers, they will have much more interest in reading article till the end.  Let's make readers shout "Exactly" in their heart.

Clarify a reader's problem and share a solution (Later)

(Ex)Travel to Japan is always expensive so you need enough saving for having a great time in Japan. However, there are a lot of tips to spend less money....

Most readers have a problem and try to find a solution. Clarify their problem and showing there is a solution in the article! There is no reason people leave the article without reading.

Body Part

In research on how people read websites we found that 79 percent of our test users always scanned any new page they came across; only 16 percent read word-by-word. (Update: a newer study found that users read email newsletters even more abruptly than they read websites.)

As a result, Web pages have to use these techniques...

Starting with the conclusion

Web users are busy: they want to get the straight facts. So start with the conclusion!

Use bulleted lists

Using bulleted lists makes article much easier to read.

One idea per paragraph

(users will skip over any additional ideas if they are not caught by the first few words in the paragraph)

Write Like You Talk

This is the holy grail of great writing.But it’s not easy.(Especially if you took English classes in high school)

With that, here’s a tip:

  • Read your post out loud.

If it sounds weird, scrap that sentence.This time, explain the same thing out loud.

You’ll probably find that the same sentence sounds A LOT better.

Lots of Visuals

Visuals let people read an article easily. Visuals are:

  • Screenshots
  • Charts
  • Pictures
  • Infographics.

Don’t be afraid to use a ton of visuals in every post.


Let’s cap things off with your conclusion. And let me be clear about something: Your conclusion is VERY important.(Especially if you want lots of people to comment on your post)

Fortunately, I’ve developed a simple, 3-step formula for writing AWESOME conclusions. It’s called “The TAC Formula”.

Start from Transition

Simply summarize what you talk on your article. The summary you make will satisfy your customers again because they find a solution or get new information.

Ask Your Customers

After you summarize your article, ask your audience about the article you wrote. Your question should be connected with the last CTA. Please check the example on images.

CTA (Call to Action)

just ask your customers what you want.

  • Ask to buy, download, comment and register
  • Ask to share your article
  • Ask to read another article

Keep the Conclusion brief (Less than 200 words)

Long conclusion make readers reluctant to do any actions. So please keep it short.


The meta description is an HTML attribute that provides a brief summary of a web page. Search engines such as Google often display the meta description in search results, which can influence click-through rates.

Optimal length

Meta descriptions can be any length, but Google generally truncates snippets to ~155–160 characters. It's best to keep meta descriptions long enough that they're sufficiently descriptive, so we recommend descriptions between 50–160 characters.

SEO best practice

The meta description tag serves the function of advertising copy. It draws readers to a website from the SERP, and thus is a very visible and important part of search marketing. Crafting a readable, compelling description using important keywords can improve the click-through rate for a given webpage. To maximize click-through rates on search engine result pages, it's important to note that Google and other search engines bold keywords in the description when they match search queries. This bold text can draw the eyes of searchers, so you should match your descriptions to search terms as closely as possible.


Write description which makes searchers click your article

Check Lists

Please check the lists below after you finish writing:

Check Lists

  • No Typographical Errors.
  • Is Introduction a Good hook?
  • Is Body part easy to read?
  • Does conclusion use "The TAC Formula"?

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