Channel-Korea Editor Weekly Tasks

What is Your Job as an Editor at Channel-Korea?

First, you need to understand what's your job exactly as an editor for Channel-Korea Writing Team. Here's a list of what are you responsible for:

Job Description

  • You are responsible for managing Channel-Korea freelance writers. Currently, we have 8 writers (Astari, David, Devi, Fildzah, Helvira, Lubna, Nia, Sierra), please communicate with them regularly on Slack. Remind them if they are behind schedule or make mistakes. Help them if they had any problems. Don't forget to give them appreciation. Be nice and friendly are important!
  • You are also managing grammar checkers. Currently, we have 2 grammar checkers (Bridgette and Igor), Igor is working slower due to health problems. You can ask them which articles need to be grammar-checked on Slack. It's important to communicate regularly with them and monitoring their works.
  • You are responsible for finding keywords. You have to research for potential keywords, you need to know the demand, search volume, and what's trending right now.
  • You are responsible for editing and publishing articles.
  • You are responsible for summarizing writers' monthly payments at the end of the month.

You can ask Nao and Chris on Slack for help if you had any problems, they're just one chat away and ready to help you!

Weekly Activities

Here's what's your whole weekdays activities looks like:

Weekly to-do list

  • Check your Google Calendar at the start of the week, you have to attend Monday's meeting via Google Meet with Nao and Chris to share your weekly target.
  • On Monday, you have to allocate new weekly titles for writers based on the structures they made last week and make an announcement on Slack Channel-K Writing Team.
  • Start checking their Writing Check List from the articles they finished last week, send them a message privately if they made a mistake in their article.
  • Start editing and scheduling 10 articles per day.
  • Analyzing potential keywords in Ahrfes.
  • On Friday, makes new structures sheets for writers and then tagged each of them with 2 keywords.
  • Check their structures and give revision if there are any mistakes, don't forget to inform them of the revision so they can learn to make better structures in the future.
  • Check your Google Calendar at the end of the week, you have to attend Friday's meeting via Google Meet with Nao and Chris to share your weekly results.


  • Make announcements on Slack every Monday and Friday. Every Monday: to announce you already allocate new titles. Every Friday: reminder about the deadline
  • Communicate with writers, help them if they have any concerns or problems
  • Commincate with grammar checkers, give them the sheets of the articles you want them to check this week

Allocate Keywords for Writers

Writers make their own structures, it's your job to tagged them 2 keywords per week and make structure sheets.

You can tag them new keywords in Progress Management Sheets (non-profile articles), Actor&Actress Sheets (actors & actress profile articles), or Kpop Idols Sheets (Kpop Idols profile articles). You also put the potential keywords you found in those sheets.

Remember, tag them new keywords and make the structure sheets on Friday or at the end of the week! Step by step:

  • Tag each of writers 2 keywords by filling their name in Structure Name column
  • Write the date for the Structure Deadline, it should be a week after you tag them. For example, if you tag them on Friday, April 2, the deadline should be on Monday, April 12. Because they will start working on those keywords on Monday, April 5.
  • Write the Writer Name with the writers' name, write the Writing Deadline a week after their structure is done. For example, the deadline for the structure is April 12, the writing deadline should be April 19
  • Make filter views with this format (S) MONTH DATE, YEAR - MONTH DATE, YEAR (A WEEK AFTER) and(W) MONTH DATE, YEAR - MONTH DATE, YEAR (A WEEK AFTER). For example, (S) April 12, 2021 - April 19, 2021, and (W) April 12, 2021 - April 19, 2021. (S) is Structure and (W) is Writing. Filter the Structure Deadline and Writing Deadline. Those filter views will made your job easier to track their weekly titles

Allocate Weekly Titles

Writers' weekly titles basically are the structures they made from last week, you just need to allocate the titles and structures on their personal sheets and articles reports. Use filter views to make it easier.

Writers Personal Sheets: This is a folder for Writers Personal Sheets. It's your duty to updates their personal sheet every week with new titles.

Writers Articles Report: This is a folder for Writers Articles Reports. It's your duty to updates their articles report every week with new titles. And, at the beginning of the month, you have to summarize their monthly payment. Writers have to finish a minimum of 8 articles if they want to have payment.

Make Structures Sheets

Make a copy for new structures in Structure Sheets every week for writers. There are folders per month to make it more organized.

The template is at the bottom of the folder, just make a copy.

Edit and Schedule Articles

You have to publish 5 articles every day including weekends. In total, you have to publish 35 articles per week. You can schedule them beforehand rather than publish 5 articles live time. For example:

  • Monday: scheduled 10 articles (for 2 days)
  • Tuesday: scheduled 10 articles (for 2 days)
  • Wednesday: scheduled 10 articles (for 2 days)
  • Thursday: scheduled 5 articles (for 1 day)
  • Friday: you are free!

Scheduled them like below.

First Article : 3AM

Second Article : 8AM

Third Article : 1PM

Fourth Article : 5PM

Fifth Article : 10PM

Click here for more information about editing and scheduling articles.

Research for potential keywords

You are responsible for finding potential keywords for writers. This is the step by step on how to do it:


First, search a bunch of related keywords from For example, you search for nct, and then you will get a bunch of related keywords about nct. Copy to clipboard.

And then, you can research the demand for those keywords in Keyword Planner in Google Ads.

Click get search volume, paste the related keywords, and then search. Change the location to USA, UK, Australia, and Canada.

And then click average monthly search, copy all of those keywords and move it to Idol Group Keywords.

Now, it's time to sort out the keywords! Keywords with demand below 100 can't be used. Here's the color code for keywords:

  • Keyword we cant use: red
  • Keyword we Already used: Strikethrough
  • There is another Parent KW: blue
  • Low Click (volume below 300): yellow
  • Keyword Difficulty: pink
  • Content-Type: orange

Check the keywords by using browser incognito mode, use Google USAsearch the keywords. Check out the top results on the first page, if the websites mostly e-commerce, Pinterest, social media, a bunch of images; then you don't need to make articles with those keywords.

The example above is the website that showed up mostly just e-commerce, in that case, skips that keyword. Make new articles with that keyword if the results that showed up are a blog or articles like our site.

You can also use Keyword Explorer in Ahrefs. Click keyword explorer, and paste the related keywords you found.

Set the global volume with a minimal 300, and analyze the results by checking the SERP. Same as before, check out the top results on the first page, if the websites mostly e-commerce, Pinterest, social media, a bunch of images; then you don't need to make articles with those keywords.

You can also use Google Search Console in order to find more potential keywords, click search results.

The results above can be used for ideas for potential keywords.


  • Search related keywords from the famous group (BTS, Blackpink, TWICE, etc) or groups that are happening right now (ATEEZ, The Boyz, Everglow, ITZY, etc) or famous actor/actress (Song Joong-ki, Hyun Bin, Lee Min-ho, etc). You can also check from websites like Soompi the brand reputation ranking, which artists are famous right now. Which topics are happening, etc.
  • After you found potential keywords, copy and paste the results to Progress Management Sheets (non-profile articles), Actor&Actress Sheets (actors & actress profile articles), or Kpop Idols Sheets (Kpop Idols profile articles). And then you can tag those keywords for writers.

Summarize payment at the beginning of the month

At the beginning of the month, you have responsibility to summarize writers monthly payment. Check it on Writers Articles Report.

Every writers have to finished 8 articles in order to get paid on that month. Summarize the total word counts and the structures they made.

Report it to Mas Chris for transfer payment.

Checking structures made by writers

You have to check the structures the writers made every week.

  • Title. Is it catchy or not?
  • Heading Title. Is it good information? Is the heading title can grab the reader's attention?

Messages them privately on Slack if you give a revision on their structures.


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