Channel-K_Rewrite Guideline

About Rewrite

  • (What)Update and edit articles already published based on data and rank result
  • (Why)Delivering more detailed information which readers need and improve SEO Ranking
  • (When)Almost evreyday
  • (Who)Editor and Writer

Mission of Channel-K

Mission of Channel-K is 「Customers Know more Korea and Enjoy Korea more」

Why We Should Rewrite

Our articles for example introduce "10 most famous Korean dramas in Korea". However, this article would be old information even though this is a very new article at the moment.

In order to achieve our mission introduced above which is ”More Choices Better Life with Korean Entertainment", we need to update information in this article.

In addition, an important thing is DELIVERING Information to readers. In order to deliver, we need to show our articles on SERP(Search Engine Result Page) so we need SEO through rewriting.

Responsibility for this work

Coming Soon

Choose an article to rewrite

Doing a rewrite means that you change its content therefore it hugely affects on the ranking. Choosing a proper article to rewrite (Not choosing articles not need to rewrite) is important. Here is explained how to choose proper articles to rewrite.

Condition 1. KW Ranking


Choose KWs ranking below 3 (ahrefs rank tranking)

If the KW's ranking you choose is already 1,2 or 3, it doesn't need to rewrite.

Open Ranking_Sheet  to check the article ranking.

Priority to choose



If the ranking is very low (below 50 or something), please consult your manager first because we may better to make a new article

Condition 2. An Old Article


Choose articles we published at least 3 months ago

A newly published article's ranking is not stable yet therefore, we need to choose articles which published roughly 3 months ago at least. If the article has already done rewrite process before, we also need to wait 1-2 months roughly. You should check the ranking and if it's not stable yet, better to wait a bit more.

Open Publish Management Sheet  to check the article that was published at least 3 months ago.

Condition 3. KW Demand


If KW demand is really low (below 100), you may not need to rewrite because not highly expected to get more viewers

Just make sure there is enough demand for the article. Rewrite isn't easy so we should focus on KWs that expect to bring more viewers.


Sometimes we need to rewrite even though the demand isn't high.

Condition 4. CPS (Click Per Search)


If CPS of the KW is low, you need to consider to rewrite

Some old articles' keywords ignored CPS so please check CPS again. Expected demand will be Demand (Keyword Planner) × CPS. Although a demand is 1,000 but CPS is 0.5%, it would be expected demand is 50.

Best Keyword

The best Keyword is Higher Demand and Ranking is between 11〜20th

Condition 5. Search Intent


If Search Intent isn't informative, we can not get top ranking.

Search Intent is also important. Make sure your target keyword's search intent is informative.

Top ranking articles are shopping sites, SNS, images, or videos, you should not focus on that keyword.

Additional Condition 1. High Bounce and Withdraw Rate

coming soon

Additional Condition 2. Old information

coming soon


There are articles which should not rewrite. The conditions of them are

Conditions for Not Rewrite

  • Articles which are posted by other companies
  • Native Articles (PR Articles)

Rewrite an article

Now, you have articles that need to rewrite. There are many reasons why the article's ranking isn't good enough. Check one by one and correct them.

Essential Demand


Essential Demand is the most important. If we misunderstand it, no chance to get a top ranking.

Open the structure sheet of the article then check the essential demand. Make sure that it is correct.

The Goal of the Article


The Goal of the Article is also important. Check the article goal is correct.

Amount of Information


Check our article contains all related information viewers want to know



Headlines are Understandable

Check all headlines first. If some information is missing, please add new headlines to provide information.

  • See Headlines and can understand what we write?

Remove Useless Information

Easy to Understand

Viewers open and read articles to find information or solve their problems. Our article goal is to allow them to do both. Check our article conclusion is easy to find. DO NOT write your conclusion way below the article. It is really important that readers can find a conclusion as quickly as they can!

Old Information

Link Building

Inbound Link Building

Outbound Link Building



Monitor KWs Ranking












Not in top3 on SERP (Below 4th on SERP)

Check rankings on SERP, please use Search Console/ahrefs/Rank Tracker.

How to find KWs rank more than 4th on Search Engine Console

  1. Open “Google Search Console” then choose “Search Results Report
  2. Toggle the average position selector, then filter the report for keywords with an average ranking position of four or higher.


Search Console only shows average ranking positions, so it’s usually not a particularly accurate representation of your actual ranking position. Check the accurate ranking with ahrefs or any other rank tracking tools.


Reducing a number of access through organic search

A main reason of reducing access is basically drop ranking on SERP. If you find articles reducing access, check the ranking. If the ranking has been dropping and below 4th, you may need rewrite.

Not update at all for 12 months after published or last update

Not update for 12 months means there might be old information on articles. Additionally, Google prioritize latest articles then old articles so you should update articles if 12 months passed already after you published it.

You can check rewrite history and publish date here 

High Bounce and Withdraw Rate

If bounce rate is high, it may mean articles do not provide information which readers want or difficult to ready. Our target Bounce rate for each article is 55%. If Bounce rate is more than 55%, please consider to update.

You can check bounce rate for each article through Google Analytics.

Need to update information

Population, Age...those date should be changed every year. If articles have those date on it, we need to update them.

Check worth rewriting or not

After you choose articles for rewrite, we need to check that they are really worth rewriting.

Competitors Backlink

Check ahrefs competitor's scores who show up above us.

  1. Go to Keywords Explorer
  2. Check competitors who show up above us
  3. Check their Domain Ratings (DR) and URL Ratings (UR)
  4. if one of them or both are 10 higher than ours, we should not rewrite

If DR or UR is higher than us, it probably means they are above us because of their page and website authority (Backlinks and so on). In this case, it is hard to beat them even though we rewrite.


Just because there are pages that outrank you with fewer backlinks, that doesn’t always mean there’s an opportunity to get more traffic by republishing your post. If product, category, or landing pages are outranking you, then maybe searchers aren’t looking for blog posts.


SNS pages, Videos, Photos...etc

Rewrite Articles

Make sure your post aligns with search intent

Search intent is the reason behind a searcher’s query. We already assessed this to an extent in the previous step when checking whether the pages outranking us were blog posts or something else.

But search intent goes deeper than the type of content. You also need to make sure your post aligns with the desired content format and angle

This is the format of the pages most people are looking for. Common formats include:

  • How-tos
  • Tutorials
  • List posts
  • Guides
  • Opinion editorials
  • Expanded definitions (i.e., what is / what are type posts)

Analyze competitors headline

Analyze competitors (top 10 articles)headline  and find which doesn't exist on our article. If you fins, please add them on!

SEO toolbar

KW from Search Console


Content Gap

Another way to find key talking points is to run a content gap analysis.

  1. paste the URLs of  relevant top-ranking pages into Ahrefs’ Content Gap tool.
  2. Leave the bottom field blank, then hit “Show keywords.”

Finding info we miss through search console and content gap is also opportunity to find idea for new articles. If you find KWs through them, please think whether it can be used for existing headlines and sentences or not.

In this case, you can not only use a KW in the article but also making a new article by KW you find. So how do you decide?

  1. Think carefully what is searcher's Intrinsic needs. 
  2. If it's same, search both KWs and compare search results.
  3. if result is one of them, you should use the KWs in existing article(Headline or sentences).
  4. If there isn't enough info to make an article, you should better use the in the article even though you don't meet a condition above.
  • 4 results out of 10 are same results
  • 2 out of top3 articles are same
  • 3 out of top 5 articles are the same

If the results is not one of them above, you should make a new article with the KW.

Delate old info


Put outbound links to other relevant articles

no image
Channel-K_Link Building


Put inbound links from other relevant articles


Before you republish the article...

It's very important, you check the result of rewrite therefore please make sure what you change and register the target KW to track its ranking.

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